Ancestral Healing

Article by:

~ Vladimir Yakovlev (son of the popular editor of Moscow Novosti Egor Yakovlev), 2021

This man’s story illustrates perfectly the necessity for EVERY SINGLE PERSON to clear the energetic ties between themselves and their family’s past.

“I am baptized after my grandfather.

My grandfather Vladimir Yakovlev was a murderer, a bloody executioner, a checkist. Among his many victims are his own parents.

He shot his father for speculation. When she found out that, his mother, my great-grandmother, hung herself.

My happiest childhood memories are related to an old spacious apartment on Novokuznetskaya Street, which our family was very proud of. As I found out later, this apartment was not bought or built, but acquired – that is, taken by force – by a rich Moscow business family.

I remember the old threaded cabinet that I would climb in to look for food. And the big comfortable sofa on which my grandmother read me stories in the evening. Both huge leather armchairs, which, by a family tradition, were only used for particularly important conversations.

As I later learned, my grandmother, whom I loved dearly, worked successfully as a provocateur for most of her life. She took advantage of her noble ancestry to get closer to different people and provoke her acquaintances to confront her. Then she described these conversations in official reports.

The couch I was told stories on, chairs, buffet and all the other furniture were not bought by my grandparents. They simply chose them from a special warehouse, where they supplied property from the homes of shot Muscovites.

From this warehouse, the checkists furnished their homes for free.

Beneath the thin veil of ignorance, my childhood memories are imbued with the spirit of plunder, murder, violence and betrayal. They are soaked in blood.

And me, who am I myself?

All of us, who grew up in Moscow, are the grandchildren of victims and executioners. All of them, absolutely all of them. Without exception.

There were no victims in your family? So there has been burners.

There were no shooters? So there have been casualties.

There were no victims or executioners? So there are secrets there. Don’t even doubt it!

It seems to me that we greatly underestimate the impact of the tragedies of the Russian past on the psyche of today’s generations. Mine and your psyche.

When evaluating the scale of the tragedy connected to the Russian past, we usually count the dead. But to truly appreciate the scale of the impact of these tragedies on the psyche of future generations, it is not the dead, but the survivors that count.

The dead are all gone. But the survivors are our parents and the parents of our parents.

Survivors- it’s the widows, the orphans, the lost loved ones, the exiled, the ones who became murderers to save themselves, in the name of idea or victory, the betrayers and traitors they, the broke, sold their consciences, turned into executioners, the tortured and their torturers, the raped, the crippled, the robbed, the forced to write reports, wasted by uneducated grief, guilt or lost faith, the humiliated, starved to death, captivity, occupation, camps.

Tens of millions of people have died.

The survivors – in the hundreds of millions.

Hundreds of millions are people who have passed on their fear, their pain, the feeling of being under a constant threat emanating from the outside world – they have passed it on to their children, who in turn, adding to this pain their own suffering, have been betrayed put your fear on us.

Statistically, there is not a single family in Russia today that in one way or another has not borne upon themselves the horrific consequences of unprecedented atrocities that have lasted in the country for a century.

Have you ever wondered how much the life experience of three consecutive generations of your ancestors affects your personal world perception today? If you haven’t – think about it.

It took me years to understand my family history. But that’s why now I know better where this constant, unreasonable fear came from. Or the excessive cover up. Or the absolute inability to share and build close relationships. Or the constant feeling of guilt that has haunted me since childhood—actually as long as I can remember.

At school we were told about the atrocities of the German fascists. At the university – about the crimes of Chinese Hunweibins and Cambodian Red Khmer.

They just forgot to tell us that the place where the most horrible, unprecedented in its scale and duration, genocide occurred was not Germany, nor Cambodia, nor China – but our own country. And this horror of the most terrible genocide in human history was experienced not by the Chinese or the Koreans, but by three generations of their own family.

We still think it’s better not to know.

It’s actually worse than that. Way worse than that.

What we don’t know continues to affect us through children’s sleep, through our relationships with parents. It is simply when we don’t know, we are unaware of its impact and we are powerless to counter it.

The most terrible consequence of inherited trauma is the inability to be aware of it. And as a direct consequence of this, an inability to realize the extent of this trauma and the extent of our perception of reality today.

And it’s not that important who exactly personifies this fear for any of us, whom we perceive as a threat – America, the Kremlin, the Ukraine, the homosexuals, the Turks, the “deplorable” Europe, the fifth column, or just the chief of work or the entrance policeman and the subway.

What is more important is whether we realize to what extent our personal fears today and our own sense of external threat are actually just the ghost of that past that we are so afraid to look in the eye. ”

~ Vladimir Yakovlev (son of the popular editor of Moscow Novosti Egor Yakovlev), 2021

Translation by Manol Peykov

via Marina Sotnikova

Emotional Healing

Emotional Healing

Tensions and emotions are high right now. Many are scrambling to stay afloat above the turbulent waters of change. We are in emergency mode right now. People are rioting in the streets, and we are still being asked to wear face masks and increase our personal hygiene routines to prevent the spread of a deadly virus. During times of crisis we tend to focus on the mundane: when’s my next paycheck-is it enough, why is the air conditioner not working?!? The weeds are growing, and the dog needs grooming. How’s Grandpa’s cough- should we be worried? I can’t figure out this stupid online education program for my kid’s homework, and the car is making a weird noise . . .

We might also be thinking about our physical health, especially with all the news coverage about the coronavirus. Some doctors are finally opening their offices so we can receive our regular care or non-emergency care, get a prescription renewed, receive a quarterly checkup on a particular condition we are battling, maybe go to the dentist?! Perhaps we are responsible for managing the health of others, or maybe we have seen death lately?

What of the emotional toll of these recent events? You might think it’s a strong or prudent response to just slough it off, to focus on it later because paying the rent is more important. But the stress of our thoughts bleeds down into our hearts and emotions. Our thoughts turn into emotion, and emotion leads the body to either strength or disease. Accumulated emotions from traumatic experiences or prolonged stress may embed themselves within the body. These emotions and their physical symptoms or manifestations begin to build up into chronic or debilitating conditions. But you need to focus on real-life stuff! What if all the “real life stuff” were easier to manage, and didn’t seem to add additional stress to your life? That’s how the body and mind respond when the emotions are in check.

Given the world we are currently living in, I think it’s safe to say that we could all benefit from an emotional clearing. Built-up or stuck energies can be coaxed out of hiding in the body, brought to the surface and cleared or flushed from the body. This process will leave you more clear-headed, less reactionary, and will provide a sense of peace and calm within you. 

I’m currently offering my emotional healing sessions at a reduced rate. This service is normally $75/hour, but starting today, through July 31, I’m offering these sessions for $50/hour 

Warning: these sessions can be intense, as we are driving emotions up to the surface; you will probably be quite tired afterward – so try to schedule your appointment on a day when you can return home and rest. But in the next few days following, you will feel refreshed, calmer, and ready to face life’s challenges.

Welcome to my blog!

Welcome to Wellyssa’s Well! Through this page, I’ll introduce you to myself and my energy healing services. This is an area of energetic work that I have been practicing and perfecting for over 10 years.

I look into the body to both see and feel where there is pain, fatigue, blocked energy or accumulation of heat, or emotional trauma that has rooted itself within the body. I may also look for areas of the body that may just need energetic support.

I heal those areas using light energy (chi, prana, divine light) through my hands. I also incorporate crystals and wands, incense, cleansing sprays and oils, sound vibration and breathwork. My intention is to bring energy and circulation to the body, release pain and provide a greater sense of internal balance and harmony.

I am here to help lessen your burden and to help you move forward in life, according to your desires and at your own pace. This is not a service intended to keep you coming back every other week; my purpose is to do the energetic work that I am trained to do and then teach you how to maintain your newly transformed body, mind, and spirit.

Stay tuned to this page for more information on my services, monthly specials, and how energy healing may be just what you need. Or, if you’d like to ask a question, you can send me a private message or click the “contact me” button. I look forward to being of service to you.

Come to the well,

Wellyssa Spellsong