
I did not realize how scattered my Chakra energies were until I started working with Wellyssa. Because of her healing work for me, and my personal follow through with the exercises she gave me between sessions, my Chakras are finally clear and working properly. My energy flow is way more noticeable, it feels more free flowing, and my intuition has become stronger. Thank you Wellyssa!

-Shannon C. (Denver CO.)


Wellyssa has worked with me on several different issues and through varied outlets. In addition to personal, chakra and auric cleansings she has conducted both Past Life Regression and Soul Retrieval rituals for me. The PLR was life altering. Through this work I was able to identify deep seated triggers, lifelong patterns and self talk that no other work had been able to isolate and address. It was the crux to my healing and personal transformation. Wellyssa’s work with me, patience and dedication to my personal healing has altered every facet of my life in a positive way.

– Gennifer M. 10/2018


I thought I knew who I was as a person until my past life regression with Wellyssa.  Taking a glimpse into one of my past lives explains a great deal about who I am and gave me the opportunity to be so much more aware of how I react in certain situations.  Wellyssa provides a safe and relaxing space to have a fully meaningful experience.  I feel like I am more at peace with who I am based on the information I was able to receive during my past life regression.  Thoughts and feelings that used to confuse me finally make sense because of what I now know about my past life.  There are huge benefits associated with this work.  The enlightenment is priceless.  I would not hesitate to let Wellyssa guide me through another regression.

– Tara E.

I was having problems in my life. It felt like I had no control. I knew that whatever was going on had nothing to do with this life. So I went to Wellyssa so that I could have a past life regression. In my past life regression I have this yoke stuck upon my neck. Right after the regression it came out that I had cancer lymphoma in my neck. The doctors have been checking me for almost a year telling me that I was just fine there was no reason for me to be tired, that I was healthy as a horse. Then bam I have lymphoma cancer. Now Wellyssa is working with me on my healing and has shown me how to run healing energy  so I can work on my own healing, in between times that she is doing healing sessions for me.  Between the energy work and my doctor I believe that I will beat this cancer. She is amazing. I would recommend a past life regression with her any day. I would also recommend her to work on you if you’re needing to have energy moved or healing done.

– Bear M. Jan. 2019